Depression- Can it MAKE you or BREAK you? (Part I)

In my childhood, I was known as a shy, silent girl. I loved to have fun, but was better off not having small or big talk with anyone, especially adults. I was what you would call, an above-average student in school with the only artistic connection, being with drawing and sketching. I loved to look at pictures and copy the drawing and occasionally sketch. The other strength I had was in athletics. I was a "running-race & relay" person and have won many trophies and medals for 100, 200, 400 and 800 meter competitions . I was good at shot-put (which was funny, as I had an arm that resembled a piece of stick) and long jump as well. 

My parents, who had a conventional approach to life, tried their best to turn me into a dancer and singer but their efforts went in vain. I was enrolled in a dance class at a good academy, where I went for 6 months, twice a week. After each class, my dad and mom would be eager to see the dance steps I had learnt. Without fail, each time I would show them the same "step" and this went on for 6 months. I made sure they realized their mistake and took me out of the dance class on their own :)

My brother, who was 6 years younger to me, was a naughty child and loved to pick fights with me. I would never give in and thus, my parents spent a lot of time resolving our fights. The only time we bonded like glue and paper was, when we wanted to get something like a toy or a game or ice-cream or chocolate. That is when you would not find a more powerfully-bonded sibling relationship in our home. He was also naughty enough to get himself hurt. Once, when we were on a holiday in India, he managed to find a spot to play with mud, near a bike. He was 2 years old and hardly visible on the other side of the vehicle. The owner of the bike got onto the vehicle, obviously didn't see him and started the bike. Unfortunately, his index finger was inside the wheel and it got sliced in half. That was a freak accident, which gives us the chills even now. 

Ask me for a photo of his finger, if you want to see how it looks now :-)

Another one of his "naughty moments" was, one evening when we had a power cut, while on a holiday in India,. I was sleeping on a bed and he was playing beside me with a newly sharpened pencil. He was having loads of fun and wanted to find out what will happen if he pokes that pencil onto my face. That's exactly what he did and the pencil just missed my left eye, by half an inch. I woke up screaming and my mom ran over to see what was happening and found my face and dress covered in blood. Another freak accident in my kitty :)

Enough of talking about a normal life with no twist.....wait for the 2nd part of my story in the next blog!


Very nicely written!

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