
Showing posts from May, 2014

Change a life. Change your own.

As Winston Churchill once said, “you make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give.” This is exactly what the Sustainability team @ EMC aims at. We consider it a pleasure and a social responsibility to give back to the community we live in. And what better than provide a chance for the unfortunate kids to go to school, meet new people and get an understanding of life. The organization, that we are connected with, helps to bring in people with similar visions to donate money for the children’s education, healthcare & family counselling for a year. By giving them education, we are helping to build a “foundation”, which in turn helps in building the future of our nation.  Here is the story of an interesting journey of an individual and a TEAM. The beginning was interesting and someone caught me in the hallway and conveyed his opinion, which was that I could lead the initiative. God knows what he spotted in me? I was never inspired enough to get involve...